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Telepresence Video

Services & Solutions ETaas

ETaaS (Customized service)

The problems that companies face in the IT environment are becoming more diverse and complex by the day.
Issues are worsening across all areas of business, including integrated infrastructure management, operations, and
maintenance, and costs to resolve them are also increasing.
ETaaS (ECS Technology as a Service) provides customer-tailored services with the goal of "success through focusing on
the core business of the customer" by considering these problems together and proposing new values.
ECS Telecom offers a variety of premium solutions
to quickly solve problems that customers face
including a custom SaaS service dedicated to contact centers ETaaS_saas,
operational service ETaaS_managed service,
maintenance service ETaaS_maintenance,
customer-centric omnichannel self-service ETaaS_Digital ASOptio,
IDC operational management service ETaaS_IDC,
and an all-in-one resident service ETaas_butler.
